External books for the KG stage help children strengthen the skills they learn from the previous stage and develop them further in easy and fun ways. These books for this stage include many exercises that focus on enhancing the Arabic, English and mathematics languages for children.
These books are designed to suit each age group. In our store, we provide a variety of external books dedicated to the KG 2 stage to help children improve their reading, writing and solving mathematical problems through exciting activities and illustrated and colorful books that aim to make learning more fun.
90.00 EGP
حروف وحركات بالعربية الجزء الاولKG2 -A4
95.00 EGP
حروف وحركات بالعربية الجزء الثانىKG2 -A4
85.00 EGP
English Connect Book Part 1 KG2 is an educational book designed for kids in kindergarten and aims to enhance their English language learning skills in an easy and fun way.
95.00 EGP
85.00 EGP
كتاب الرياضيات مستوى ثانىKG2 - A4
105.00 EGP
165.00 EGP
155.00 EGP
85.00 EGP
The Connect English Language book, the first part of the Future Educational Series, is ideal for introducing kids to the English language from a young age, as it relies on interactive education and modern mind maps, which make the student spend useful and enjoyable times with it.
85.00 EGP
The second part of the Connect book includes a complete set of exercises and activities that help improve reading, writing and speaking skills gradually, making it an important educational tool.