الكتب والمراجع والراويات
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Story of Toyo's Song - Al Mostaqbal
The story of Toyo's song from the series African Tales from Al Mostaqbal tells the story of a boy named "Toyo" who went out one morning to look for a friend and kept walking in the forest until he found a seashell. "Toyo" blew on the shell and wonderful music came out of it. "Toyo" was amazed and said it was a magical shell!
Will this shell play a role in "Toyo" finding the friend he was looking for? This is what we will discover together in this story.
100٫00 ج.م.
Story of The Duck Knows the Moon - Al Mostaqbal
The Duck Knows the Moon is from the series of Arabic tales from Al Mostaqbal, telling the story of a duck who decided to leave her family and live alone, and found herself alone with no one to care about her and tell her about the sky and teach her what the moon is, so will the duck remain alone? Or will she return to her family? And will her family forgive her and accept her back with them? This is what we will find out in our story "The Duck Knows the Moon".
95٫00 ج.م.
The story of school lif- for kids
The story of school life is suitable for kids, with a distinctive type of enjoyable stories that include many lessons learned in addition to encouraging kids to read. It relies on interesting events and attractive drawings to develop the kids' mental and cognitive skills.
7٫50 ج.م.
Story of Emergency - Al Mostaqbal
The story of an emergency from the Nothing is Impossible series from Al Mostaqbal, a story characterized by science fiction mixed with reality with fun and excitement to present the guaranteed message in an entertaining way, and through it the child will learn some medical information and behavioral values.
40٫00 ج.م.
Story of Reem Wants Everything - Al Mostaqbal
The story of Reem Wants Everything from Al Mostaqbal, tells the story of a girl named "Reem" who got a dinosaur, a pair of dodo birds, a silver train and a plane. Her mother asked her: How did this happen? "Reem" pointed to her school bag and said: Here!! How did this happen? And how did "Reem" سachieve her dreams and get what she wanted? We will know all this through our story.
95٫00 ج.م.
Deadly visit Story (Nothing is Impossible Series) - Al Mostaqbal
Deadly visit story (Nothing is Impossible Series) from Al Mostaqbal Publishing House with high quality paper with a wonderful and attractive design for children for a fun and entertaining reading session for children and more.
40٫00 ج.م.
Story of Happiness Shirt - Al Mostaqbal
The Happiness Shirt is from the series African Tales from Al Mostaqbal The story tells of a rich and powerful king who is not happy, and that every person searches everything around him and everything he owns until he finds the happiness he seeks.
100٫00 ج.م.
Official Mission Story (Nothing is Impossible Series) - Al Mostaqbal
Official Mission Story (Nothing is Impossible Series) from Al Mostaqbal Publishing House with high quality paper with a wonderful and attractive design for children for a fun and entertaining reading session for children and more.
40٫00 ج.م.
The Story of the Nile - Dar Al Farouk
The Story of the Nile by Dar Al Farouk, the book tells the story of four thousand and fifty years of diverse and eventful life on the banks of the Nile, mentioning the fast means of transportation in Egypt at Aswan, some of the works of the Greek people and more.
108٫00 ج.م.
Nile kid’s Stories A5
Nile kid’s Stories A5 includes a collection of imaginary adventures and folk tales that carry wisdom and values and instill them in the souls of kids, and also help them learn about the customs of their country.
2٫00 ج.م.
Stories of the Prophets Series - Adam and Idris (Dar Al Farouq)
Stories of the Prophets Series: Adam and Idris (Dar Al Farouq), It is one of the best story series that a child can read, as it contains all the wisdom and lessons mentioned about the prophets in the Qur'an, aimed at teaching kids values, morals, and the teachings of Islam.
27٫50 ج.م.
Stories about the environment
Stories about the environment are one of the best stories that kids should read, as it is a comprehensive story aimed at expanding the kid’s knowledge. Additionally, it enhances the kid’s cognitive abilities and helps develop their reading skills.
28٫25 ج.م.