الكتب والمراجع والراويات
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Stories of the Prophets Shuaib, Elias, Elisha, and Dhul-Kifl (Dar Al Farouq)
The series of stories of the prophets Shuaib, Elias, Elisha, and Dhul-Kifl includes many tales that carry multiple meanings and values that should be taught to kids, and it also introduces them to many of God’s prophets and their positions with their people.
30٫00 ج.م.
Stories of the Prophets Saleh Series (Dar Al Farooq)
The series of stories of the Prophet Saleh is written in an enjoyable, interesting and easy style to suit Kids understands and comprehension. It is also suitable for older age groups to acquire the targeted values from the stories of the Prophets.
30٫00 ج.م.
Stories of the Prophets Lot Series (Dar Al Farooq)
Stories of the Prophets Lot series (Dar Al Farooq) tells the story of our master Lot, peace be upon him, and includes valuable lessons and morals that must be learned from it, and is distinguished by its clear style and illustrative images.
30٫00 ج.م.
Stories of the Prophets Moses and Aaron Series - Dar Al Farooq
The story of our master Moses and Aaron from the Stories of the Prophets series from Dar Al Farooq, tells in an interesting and smooth way the story of our master Moses and Aaron, and their lives full of struggle and hardship in order to convey the call of God, and the story of the stubbornness of the people of Sinai Moses and how they asked him to show them God Almighty, and how God Almighty punished them for their stubbornness and arrogance.
30٫00 ج.م.
Stories of the Prophets Hood Series (Dar Al Farooq)
The Stories of the Prophets Hud series includes many lessons and sermons that kids should learn about, and it is also suitable for adults because it carries values that enhance the positive and moral qualities of its reader.
30٫00 ج.م.
Classic Heritage Stories for Children Series The Flute Player Story - Dar Al Farooq
Classic Heritage Stories for Children Series The Flute Player Story from Dar Al Farooq is distinguished by being a classic and unique story, and it is a story that children will love for its distinctive drawings, wonderful narrative style, and exciting events that teach children a lot.
25٫75 ج.م.
Mental Intelligence Development Stories Series "Farid the Leader Friend" - Dar Al Farouk
The story "Farid the Leader Friend" from the Mental Intelligence Development Stories Series from Dar Al Farouk, a story that helps develop the child's mental skills and develop the child's intelligence significantly. The child's intelligence does not depend on his performance in exams, but rather on his ability to make decisions, and how to acquire information and link it to others.
40٫00 ج.م.
World Stories Series 4 Books Model 85MG
A series of international stories consisting of 4 books that tells various educational and entertaining stories. They are written in a smooth and understandable way and are suitable for kids of different ages.
37٫25 ج.م.
Color with Series Model 58477
Coloring Book Series is a distinctive collection of books that combine learning and fun by helping children develop their creative coloring skills in a fun and engaging way These books provide an excellent opportunity for children to learn colors and differentiate between them.
15٫50 ج.م.
Why did God give us- ears? Series (Dar Al Farouq)
Why did God give us ears? Series (Dar Al Farouq), It is one of the best educational story series, as it aims to teach the kid the fundamentals of life and expand their awareness and knowledge through questions posed by the series, sparking the kid’s curiosity to learn.
30٫00 ج.م.
Why did God give us- Friends? Series (Dar Al Farouq)
The Why God Gave Us Friends series shows the importance of friends in life. God created people differently in order to get to know each other and complete each other. Therefore, this series encourages kids to form appropriate friendships.
30٫00 ج.م.
Why did God give us- eyes? Series (Dar Al Farouq)
Why did God give us eyes? Series (Dar Al Farouq), It is one of the best educational series because it aims to explain some religious ideas and basic teachings for both adults and kids, as well as to reflect on God's creation. Therefore, it is a series that is beneficial for everyone.
30٫00 ج.م.