Story of The Duck Knows the Moon - Al Mostaqbal

Manufacturer: Generic
The Duck Knows the Moon is from the series of Arabic tales from Al Mostaqbal, telling the story of a duck who decided to leave her family and live alone, and found herself alone with no one to care about her and tell her about the sky and teach her what the moon is, so will the duck remain alone? Or will she return to her family? And will her family forgive her and accept her back with them? This is what we will find out in our story "The Duck Knows the Moon".
SKU: 000022628
GTIN: 9789776862221
95٫00 ج.م.‏
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  • Product Type: Story of The Duck Knows the Moon
  • SKU: 000022628
  • Size: 24 x 17 cm
  • Number of Pages: 24 pages
  • Target Group: Children
  • Publisher: Al Mostaqbal